How did we start

10.2016 US tour with 20 performances and workshops. Recording from the Millenium stage @ The Kennedy Centre: here. The project is funded by Programme "Culture", Sofia Municipality for 2016 year and by our Indiegogo campaign. Thank you all!

Programme "Culture", Sofia Municipality


In 2005 year I started to play the kaba gaida. The fall of the previous year I spent few weeks trecking the Rhodopean peaks. Since then the gaida and the mountain are in my mind and heart. I've been playing the gaida against the stream of Amazonas and Danube rivers. In 2012 year together with Kostadin started the KabaGaida.Com initiative to meet the need of people in Sofia and abroad learn to play and know more about the gaida. 4 years later we have a solid base to go further.
I started to play the gaida when I was 10. I got inspired by my coisin, Nikolay Belyashki, who is well known among the kaba gaida pipers as a excellent maker and performer. In 2005 year I met Cvetelin and Yanko in the cultural centre "Dobri Chintulov" in Sofia. There were a lot of people who wanted to learn playing the gaida . I started to show them what I know and this is how I got involved into teaching kaba gaida. The idea of spreading the traditions and culture of the Rhodopean gaida was born. Now I teach kids, adults and online for people all around the world.
I started to play the kaba gaida in 2005 year. During the summer I was practicing near the National Sport Academy. One day Cvetelin came, he had heard the gaida playing and he invited me to practice together. Since then we are together all the time - festivals, weddings, parties. I love the Rhodope mountain and often go there.